Ellis Gift Shop
Convenient shopping for staff, patients and visitors
The Ellis Medicine gift shop, Lori's Gifts, is located at Ellis Hospital on Nott Street. This newly renovated shop offers convenient shopping for staff, patients and visitors and a wide range of merchandise, including:
Flowers | Balloons | Cards | Jewelry | Candles | Stuffed animals | Seasonal gifts | Baby and sibling gifts | Snacks, candy & bottled beverages | Lotto (Coming Soon!) | Newspapers, magazines & paperback books
The Ellis Hospital gift shop is run by Lori's Gifts, a national operator of hospital gift shops. A portion of profits are donated to the Foundation for Ellis Medicine to benefit health care services, programs and facility improvements.
Lori's Gifts
Ellis Hospital (1101 Nott Street, Schenectady)
Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: 518.612.2050
For more information contact the Ellis Call Center at 518.243.3333.